Mar 14 2024




Crafting our hematology reagents in-house not only ensures unmatched precision with our analyzers but also offers a cascade of advantages, from unwavering supply chain dependability to stringent quality oversight. This includes reliable supplies, strict quality checks, and the guarantee that each batch is thoroughly tested.

Our reagents are designed to long shelf life, with unopened bottles remaining usable up to 4 years depending on the solution type, offering both quality and durability.

Diatron manufactures bottles in not one, but four distinct sizes, tailored to seamlessly integrate with both 3-part and 5-part hematology analyzers. We provide the flexibility to customize solutions to fit specific needs, showing our engagement to meet our clients' requirements. The capacity of our production has the ability to be flexible in the volume and the filling methods, both automated and manual processes are available. We can generate enough solution weekly to fill two Olympic-sized swimming pools.

Our reagents come fortified with hardware key protection. This feature ensures that our reagents work exclusively with our devices, providing an extra layer of security and reliability.

We prioritizes environmental protection by making our reagents cyanide-free. We did develop our hematology reagents in this way and this decision reflects our commitment to a healthier planet and safer products, proving that quality and environmental care can go hand in hand.

Beyond the technology and versatility, Diatron’s guarantee to excellence is underscored by the CE marked and adherence to the rigorous standards of ISO 9001 and ISO 13485.


Manual and automated filling process



Diatron has optimized the reagent production process by integrating a state-of-the-art packaging robot. This marvel of engineering not only accelerates the packaging process, allowing us to prepare more boxes for shipment in less time, but also significantly minimizes the risk of damage during transit.

With its precise and rapid operation, this robotic arm enhances efficiency, conserves valuable human resources, and reduces the likelihood of errors that can occur with manual handling.


 Packaging robot in operation